
Sam’s Mentorship Program

Quite often we can work things out ourselves with some space and time to think things through logically. At some point however, teachers of all levels of experience can benefit from some helpful advice, direction or just another point of view. I certainly include myself in this.

It may be an issue as simple as sequencing, a student with an injury that you want some advice on, how to project your classes in the marketplace; a framework for getting your first workshop together or a total existential crisis about the place of yoga in the modern world and what you really have to offer as a teacher.

To mentor another individual is simply a process of helping them to see what they already know. Sometimes that guidance may require additional learning or the sharing of knowledge and in other situations it may mean working together through a series of discussions or meetings to help bring some clarity or direction in order to make the path ahead clearer. 

One thing that I want to ensure is that mentoring does not entail imposing my views and opinions of what we think is 'best' upon another individual. I am here to simply share the lessons learned from my own experiences and my years in teaching to assist you as you navigate a similar environment. 

Simply put, effective mentorship needs a one-to-one approach to address the specific needs of the individual. To get optimum benefit, you need a mentoring relationship with someone that you can relate to and trust as well as a mentor that is familiar and equipped to deal with your needs. With added monthly online and/or in person meet ups with your peers to deepen the knowledge and understanding of your journey. 

How does it work

We’ll have an initial conversation so I can hear where you want to go with your practice and determine how I can help you. We’ll create a program based on the number of sessions you choose. Mentorship subjects can cover all 8 limbs of yoga, including the business of yoga and advice on your career. There are two streams of yoga mentorship – one for practitioners and the other for teachers. 


After we breakdown asana, class structure and what element you wish to bring into your classes, I will then ask you to create short video, a zoom call or I will attend your class, where you can focus on verbal cues, your unique class style and interweave your new skills.

We will have a private teaching forum where information can be exchanged and students can discuss. As well as this, we will have a monthly meet-up or Zoom call for other mentees to meet and catch up and teach each other. Mentees will be giving an opportunity to teach in a yoga studio over the duration of the programme. 

I will send you a detailed assessment, breath by breath, that points out your strengths and where you could improve, that you can use during self-practice to further embody the techniques and grow in your personal practice. The process helps you to build asana vocabulary, structure vinyasa sequences and teach a yoga class. 


If you are a yoga practitioner with no ambition to teach, you can study asana technique and work on specific areas of your practice where you feel you need better technique. Or develop a pranayama or meditation practice, study mudras and the subtle energy body, yoga philosophy, or spiritual practice. 

If you are interested please fill out following the following application form.

Mentorship Class

Is Mentorship for you?

If you’re a yoga teacher who wants to improve your teaching skills or needs direction to build your career, or are a practitioner who wants advice on asana technique, then mentorship is for you.

We’ll have an initial conversation to determine your needs or goals and create a bespoke program just for you.

Please fill out the following application form.



Refine your skills as a Practitioner:

  • Improve your asana technique under the guidance of an experienced teacher

  • Develop a skillful and varied asana practice as the starting place for an authentic yogic inquiry and spiritual practice

  • Develop precise alignment principles and technique to avoid injury

  • Nourish yourself by integrating restorative yoga techniques into your practice

  • Commit to self-practice and self-care

  • Study pranayama, pratyahara and meditation techniques to explore the ‘inner limbs’ of yoga

  • Study yoga philosophy to contextualise the practice

Sam Mentorship Program

Refine your skills as a teacher:

  • Gain confidence in your practice and teaching

  • Develop better asana technique

  • Brush up on your verbal cues and teaching demonstrations

  • Learn how to modify and teach specific asanas in a way that is accessible, sustainable and transformational

  • Create interesting and thematic yoga sequences and integrate yogic philosophy in your teachings

  • Learn how to teach privately, student classes, events and workshops

  • Touch the lives of your students with personal style, grace and precision in a way that nourishes both of you

  • Discover your strengths and find your teaching style or niche in a crowded yoga world

  • Improve your website, yoga videos and online teaching skills

  • Make yoga your business and increase your income from doing what you love

  • Align with your true self and find your voice as a teacher

Please fill in application form and I will be in contact by phone or zoom free of charge to discuss what option will suit you best.

On review of application we will tailor a price package to reflect you induvial mentorship.

If due to Covid, or other reasons you are experiencing financial difficulty, but progressing in this mentorship with me is important to you (and especially if you are a past student), please let me know.